In fact, we distribute 4 types of jukeboxes:
First of all, the classic jukeboxes at 45 / 78rpm from AMI, Seeburg, Rock-Ola and Wurlitzer
* 78 rpm jukeboxes from before (with 2 caps on) 1952, these are the classic jukeboxes with the large 78 rpm records (also available on vinyl).
* 45 rpm jukeboxes, which can be divided into another 2 types =
* Visible mechanics = where you see the record taking and playing, from 1952 to the years 61/62.
* Non-Visible mechanics = where you do not see this (from the early 60s)
Secondly, the newly produced jukeboxes from either Rock ola (US) or Sound Leisure (UK). These are either filled with CDs and bluetooth function or even with vinyl. So you can run 45 rpm records on it and these however have the bluetooth function!
All our sales jukeboxes have a 5-year guarantee, music (singles / CDs) included, home delivery, invoice and after-sales service!
We are also specialized in restoring jukeboxes.
We do not do repairs at home, but only total restorations, a bit like old-timer freaks know.
Take a VW Beetle, then we would do the bodywork, the engine, the seats, etc. = well we do this just the same, but with jukeboxes!
Photos are taken of all restoration works and we will send them to you on CD-ROM or stick when they are returned.
First we come by to make a quotation, and then if agreed we will take your device with us, after having given you proof of temporary possession.
This quotation price depends on the distance / km allowance and degree of difficulty to take / return your device on the spot.
Finally, we are also THE ONLY distributor in Belgium of Sound Leisure, the newly produced English jukeboxes!
Also take a look at our Facebook page under the reviews section, there you will see what people think of our company!